Thursday, November 29, 2007


This was in one of the emails that was sent to me today. We all have so much to be greatful and thankful for.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Belated Best Wishes

Hey, y'all. Sorry I haven't logged on in a while. I hope everyone had a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving. It was quite comfortable here on the Bay. I had the kitchen door open all morning with the sun beating in. It was a lovely day. My husbands family invaded. As Italians, it's the only way they know how to visit. :) I cleaned and cooked for three solid days. When I woke up on Friday morning my calf muscles were so cramped I could barely walk. It was wonderful!!! I love to cook and cater to everyone and play hostess. So much so, we're doing it all again on Christmas Eve, and expect about 30 people.

We used to drive home every year for Thanksgiving, but the drive is a bit much for a four day weekend. It's 380 miles to Mom's on Wednesday, 70 miles back to Mary's for dinner on Thursday, 70 miles back to Mom's, 380 miles back home on Friday or Saturday. All tolled, it's usually 16-18 hours in the car. Last year, Richard simply couldn't make the trip. This year, I didn't know what my job situation was and I didn't want to make a commitment to the family that I couldn't keep. Once we decided we could manage it, Richard couldn't get the time off and we couldn't find anyone to take the dog. (Mom's not fond of the dog hair Chip leaves behind.) Perhaps next year we'll make it.

I was interested to read about Todd's arthur. (Funny, that's what we call it, too.) I'll have to think about whether Richard incurred a specific trauma. He's getting a prednesone injection in his knee every 6-8 months. Other than that he's okay with the methotrexate. I'm not wild about the damage it could cause his liver, but it's not my decision. Tic a lock!

Trina, how did you make out with your teeth? I hope you were able to enjoy your holiday. I had mine out when I was 21 and I still tremble when I think about it!

I'm amazed at the athletes you ladies have raised! I'm impressed! Please post more pictures. And how about some play by play? Listen, I'm a Baltimore Ravens fan, so I don't have much to cheer about these days... I need someone to root for!!!

Love hugs and kisses to all.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Be Calm, Be Strong, Be Grateful

Here we go again. Jo is so outdoing us with posts. Happy Turkey day everyone!! May you all find happiness and peace in your life today and everyday of the year.
What a week it has been. Three IV tries later and not quite being asleep during the process, the two teeth have been cut from my mouth and I am on the mend. I WILL eat my heart out today no matter how much it hurts! My first born turns 21 today and I feel so old. He'll always be my baby though. Love you Shell!!

Here is proof that Lou is no longer a pumpkin pie making virgin. That's okay...It all tastes the same...we don't judge on the way the food looks!! hehehe....

Thanksgiving Time!!!

Hey everyone!! Have a happy Thanksgiving and eat lots of turkey (or Tofurkey) :p

P.S. Now I am the first of the seven coursins to reach 21.... better watch out, the cousins are gettin oooolllldddd!!!



Happy 21st !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aunt Jo Uncle Steve Ash and Luke

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Take Time

Family and Friends

As the holidays quickly approach. I hope you all find time to appreciate what matters most, each other. For those of you who are feeling a bit overwhelmed or a bit like Scrooge. I recommend a great dose of reality and time to remember what it's all about .......In the form of a book called the Christmas Box,written by Richard Paul Evans. If you haven't read it already it's a must and if you have it's that time Evans has put it himself "I find with each passing Christmas the story of the Christmas Box is told less and needed more". So I pass on the tradition I have started of reading this book each year as the holidays approach. You won't be disappointed. Read it or listen to it on CD. (Usually found at your local library).It will capture your heart this holiday season. For those who have not read it and choose to. Please accept this as my holiday gift to you for now and many years to come. Love to all Mary Jo (a.k.a. Polly LOL)

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

First off...any form of arthur is pretty ugly. I always thought it was just an ache or pain from growing old. I never knew what an auto immune disease was. Todd's brother has MS and his aunt had Lupus. There has to be an auto immune gene somehow connecting all of it. While Todd was stationed in Korea in '85 he came down with the flu during a football injury to his knee. Arthritis set into the knee and I feel this is where his immune system went haywire. We didn't know he had arthur for several years. We thought he has a knee problem from the injury. Three knee surgeries later we found out it was arthur. Todd was diagnosed at 29...15 years ago. Most meds never helped him and he always had bad side effects. He just went off methotrexate. It was his second time trying it and he felt like he had the flu for 2 days following his dosage. And tired is an understatement. He is very stubborn..imagine that. I hear metho helps a lot of people.

He takes Aleve and it really helps with pain. He also takes prednisone short term when he needs a boost or relief from a flair up. Enbrel was his miracle drug. It stopped the progression for 5 years and then his skin started to react to it for some odd reason and he had several staph infections and they took him off it. Dam...It was a good five years though!! We have Arava here for him to try but the monthly bloodwork bills could be hazardous. Todd just lost his job. (very long story..would require a private e-mail) So, the whole insurance thing is a problem now. So for now he is holding off. We hope he finds a job with insurance. I kept the eye and dental through COBRA thank goodness but the medical was so expensive.

Ask away if we can help in any way. My e-mail is if you want to chat in detail. I am online more than I care to admit. My laptop is my best friend and entertainment. My instant messenger name is tee65tjj on aol, msn, and yahoo messengers too!

Darn teeth, butcha gotta have em!!

Just got home from work at 7 a.m. 60 hours of pain and 2 dentist visits later and still suffering. Oral surgeon can't cut me open and rip out these 2 teeth til Tuesday. I will be begging by then, heck, I am begging now. Impacted sideways wisdon tooth is sitting on top of the curved roots of the one in front that is my initial pain in the arse. My computer table looks like a pharmacy. Non of which gives total relief.

Julie..what do you guys do for the holidays? Do you ever come north? Just wondering... Do you check out our links to our other blogs? Lots of entertainment there. Have you started your curtains. I need to make new ones for the living room but dread the chore. So much fabric is involved. And of course I would rather be knitting. Or spinning..or quilting...or, well you get the picture!
It's been a good month for the hockey girls in the family. Ash made the RFA varsity BOYS hockey team. The only girl on the team and only the second ever. Emily made the girls varsity hockey team. The first one ever for Massena Schools. Woohoo Life is good!! I am leaving a photo to show Aunt Jo that the bandana is orange on Em's head. You go girls!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Better Late Than Never

Josh, I wanted you to know that I've ordered the book you recommended on the Women and The Rise of Raunch. I do not have any children, but I do have five nieces. I was home with the flu on Halloween and the noon news ran an "interest" piece about how young girls' Halloween costumes where getting racier than ever. I was shocked at some of the things parents were buying for their very young daughters. I couldn't help but think about your blog. Thanks for the insight. Enjoy your winter break!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hey Guys and Gals,

I haven't posted for a while and my last two here were different, so I just want to catchup with Y'all. College is almost over for the semester (3 weeks left!) and then Me, Meg, Jake, and Lauren will be out for a glorious six weeks!! In that time I am sure we will be able to stop down to Rome and romp around. Grades are good, classes are excellent. I have almost decided to change my major again though, and go back to the hard science of biology. I love history but continuing it through grad school started to look like a less than ideal career choice. Instead I might go back to biology and study zoology. It will extend my undergraduate years by two but one of those will be field research :)

well I g2g but take care all!!

P.S. Good Job Ash on the Team Placement!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Twins Donald and Dorothy - Green - Sweeney

Hey Sweeneys and Clans, This is Grampa Sweeney and Auntie Dorothy. One set of about 22 sets of twins in the family. So BEEEEEEEEEEE Ware, Your Day may come. Just remember Grama is sometimes right. SEE I told you so..Love Grammie