Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Epiphany Time!!

Hey Guys and Gals,

I recently was assigned the book Female Chauvenist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture by Ariel Levy in one of my courses and found that it did a lot to explain what the Rauch (or porn) culture of America does to the image of women within our society. I can assume that you all have heard of the increasing amount of casual sexual activity that is on the rise in American High schools and the decreasing average age in which our teens (just left that catagory myself) are loosing their virginity (most lose it around the age of 15). Also the soaring amount of teen pregnacies in the United States that are higher per 1,000 teens than in some third world(hate that term) countries. In this book Levy looks at the sexualized nature of our culture and asks why it is how it is and what results come from it. It is an excellent book for any female OR MALE. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and interviews everyone from the women in charge of both Playboy and the filming of Girls Gone Wild (even goes with them to several filmings) to San Francisco lesbians and teen boys and girls in an effort to find out what is really going on. The book is great and a fairly easy read so I encourage all of you to check it out. It has been one of the few books to create a fire in my belly, and has made me move against the porn industry. Also if you have teen girls (wink wink Aunties) it could be really benificial to see what society is telling them to be WITHOUT your permission nor control. Thanks a Ton for your time and letting me ramble about this stuff. When I get a wakeup call to our world I feel that its important to spread the message.

P.S. here is the Amazon link to the book where you can read more on it and stuff,

Adiosa, Josh

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